Do you want to ensure your business is cost-effective and competitive when dealing with government contracts? How do you keep up to date on current regulations (like the Service Contract Act) and procedures tied to contracts? Can you improve your profitability and the lives of people you trust to work hard for you? With AXIM Fringe Solutions Group, transparency, and adaptability work hand in hand to ensure your business thrives so you can focus solely on what you can control.
Benefits For All
Seeking and finding fringe benefit packages that enable you to come out on top and lower your overhead is no easy task. How can you follow Service Contract Act guidelines, meet expectations, and provide health benefits that ensure your competitiveness in the hiring game? If you are a contractor who doesn’t just want to “get by” but thrive in your sector, and keep loyal, experienced employees on the payroll, it’s time to act!
How Can AXIM Be of Service?
Does the term Service Contract Act leave you unsure how you will keep government contracts while ensuring that your employees receive the assurances, they need to have peace of mind while working for you? If you aren’t sure where to turn, AXIM can bring the clarity and transparency you need to feel confident in your next step! The AXIM Fringe Benefit Group gives contractors affordable health benefit packages and guidance to ensure they meet the criteria to remain viable and competitive. AXIM provides access to:
- Superior coverage
- Excellent plans for employees
- Affordable Consulting
- Experts that understand the Service Contract Act
- Guaranteed DOL/ACA Compliance
If you want to navigate the intricacies of the Service Contract Act of 1965, what valuable resource enables you to conduct business without fear of fines or loss of contract? The AXIM Fringe Benefit Group! You have valid concerns for your budget and your employees. Is it possible to address multiple issues at the same time? With AXIM, both the employees and employer benefit!
Inquiries About Service Contract Act (SCA) Requirements
As business contractors, you place a high value on simplicity. The more straightforward a contract is, the less you will have to worry about in the long term. The Service Contract Act contains text that some might term “vague.” How do you avoid the pitfalls that complexity in regulatory measures brings? You trust a government contractor that values transparency and strict adherence to regulations.
You need a company that tackles the worry element for you. If you appreciate the power of delegating tasks to balance your business and avoid stressors, you’ll love how AXIM interprets DOL laws and the Service Contract Act. They procure high-quality health benefits for employees and guarantee you don’t suffer loss because of a lack of current information.
Why Service Contract Act and Employee Rules
For employees, fringe benefits bring peace of mind. When a contractor takes the effort to “insure” their value employees notice and so do government agencies. What do you offer? How can you invest in your business and maintain your profit margin? The more contracts you acquire the more likely you are to achieve goals. More contracts present more risk. How do you keep contracts and meet the rigorous Service Contract Act terms? You trust AXIM to handle the legalese, while you continue to meet high standards by fulfilling contracts and producing a product that markets itself.
Is it Possible?
Can you keep employees, the government, and your business plan content? Is it possible to find balance in the chaos of growing your business and adding multiple contracts? What you need is a Service Contract Act interpreting partner. A partner that:
- Is strategic
- Utilizes their resources to ensure your and their success
- Provides you with their list of benefits and Service Contract Act compliance solutions
- Offers you autonomy despite the complex ins and outs of regulation
- Has insight because they are government contractors
- Understands wage requirements and collective bargaining agreements
Working with government contracts can be difficult without the right narration. To avoid things like:
- Costly Overhead
- Fines
- Loss of Contracts
- Failure to meet the Service Contract Act
- Lack of qualified employees
You can trust a company that provides health benefits, Service Contract Act consultation, and compliance guarantees. It’s possible to bring balance with the right “weighty” partner at your side.
More Contract Counsel
Along with the Service Contract Act, AXIM can provide expertise to help you navigate IT contracts and the legalese involved in Information Technology agreements. Would your IT contract benefit from a termination clause? How can all parties work together in a mutually beneficial relationship? Are all the terms being met to ensure the contract meets expectations? AXIM can help mitigate potential problems that emerge. AXIM understands that a solid IT contract can boost your business’ efficiency. When IT contracts are clear and concise, your success can become far-reaching because of the transparency you apply in every part of your business.
High-Quality Davis-Bacon Act Revision Interpreters
AXIM associates are knowledgeable in the Service Contract Act and the newly revised Davis-Bacon Act rules. Contractors who don’t have the time or resources to devote to studying all the nuances of the pre-1983 prevailing wage rates can gain peace of mind with AXIM’s expert advice. They can answer questions related to:
- Anti-retaliation provisions
- Wage clauses
- Wage determinations (old and new rules regarding this)
- What is required of contractors in regard to new extensive requirements for record keeping
The Davis-Bacon Act without proper interpretation could result in withholding of funds or even debarment. If you want to be able to continue “business as usual” and ensure your employees and your business are successful, you’ll find AXIM answers the tough questions about the Service Contract Act and the Davis-Bacon Act bringing clarity to all recent regulatory revisions. If you find yourself at a loss as how to stay informed and away from potential losses, AXIM brings you the relief and the background information you need to stay profitable and positive!
AXIM Fringe Benefit Group is Custom Made for Your Needs
What makes AXIM so appealing? While the positives they can bring to your business are multi-faceted, they remain focused on customizing your experience. We gives you and your employees access to a customizable benefits package that centers on meeting Service Contract Act needs and being affordable. If you are a government contractor that wants to stretch your fringe dollars as far as possible, you’ll love the benefits AXIM offers. Not only do we ensure that you safeguard your interests, but the interests of those in your employ. 401K plans, full health coverage, and bidding benefits are just a few of the positive perks AXIM has to offer! Contact us today and find out how easy it can be to balance your success while complying with your contracts’ regulations!