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Compliance Assets


fringe benefit management

A Complex & Highly Regulated Environment

Compliance reporting has several “moving” performance pieces, some of which may change over the life of the contract. Contractors that don’t stay on top of their compliance are putting themselves at serious risk. Ensuring proper reporting by employee, by hours worked, by benefit elected is just the tip of the iceberg. You also have:

  • Place of Performance Changes
  • Fringe Rate Adjustments
  • Inaccurate Wage Determinations
  • Paid Sick Leave
  • Incorrect Job Classifications
  • Other Compliance Situations

2018-19 Health And
Welfare Fringe Benefit
Rate Adjustment

About the Adjustment

The DOL Investigator List

The #1 Reason Leading To A DOL Audit is an unhappy employee who doesn’t know/understand their wages and benefits calling the DOL complaint hotline. With as little as two days’ notice, a team of DOL investigators can be onsite to review your company records and interview up to 20% of the workforce.

“Bona Fide” Fringe Benefits
Are the current H&W fringe benefit requirements being met? Have replaced benefits been evaluated in current fringe benefit calculations?
Labor Category Mapping
Incorrect job classifications. Are some personnel performing work in more than one labor category?
Proper Wage Determinations
Place of performance changes, appropriate wage determinations incorporated into the contract.
Independent Contractors
Are SCA-covered independent contractors receiving appropriate wages and fringe benefits?

How We’re Different


Guaranteed compliance with full DOL audit support and 24/7 access to fringe/benefit information for both employees and employers.

Reduced G&A
And Overhead

Our fees for compliance and benefits administration can be deducted directly from the fringe dollars.


As a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) AXIM can fulfill set-aside credit requirements.

The Cost of
Non Compliance

In recent years new government regulations have focused on tighter compliance. Government contractors can’t afford to not be on top of compliance because the cost of noncompliance can be detrimental.

  • Fines and/or withholding of payments
  • Contract termination
  • Future contract consideration
  • Debarment from all government contracts (3 years)

Your Compliance Checklist

  • Fringe Rates: Are you paying your employees the right fring rate?
  • Base Wages: Are you paying proper wage rates by job classification?
  • Labor Categories: Are your employees correctly classified under the contract
  • Fringe Benefits: Are your benefits competitive enough to attract and retain SCA employees?

Connect with AXIM for a
compliance check
